Iberian Ibex Type B. Cód: 585
Quarter: Portilla. Duration of the permission: 2 days.
The characteristics that the wild Males must fulfill Type B are the following ones:
· Length lower than 70 cm.
· Perimeter lower than 22 cm.
· Length of the medrones, of the third party to the sixth year, with length lower than 8 cm.; as long as be more than one the medrones that measure less the indicated length.
· fiscal Punctuation lower than 210 points.
The BASIC PACKAGE of services is included in the starting price to the hunter. The complementary quota is not included and it will be liquidated in the moment of the hunt, depending on the punctuation of the piece received of agreement to the ORDER FYM/436/2014, of May 19, by that there is regulated the tidy hunting utilization and the exercise of the hunt in the Regional Reservations of Hunt for Castile and León.
There is remembered, that the fiscal punctuation obtained of the measurement in green does not have because coincide with the valuations realized for different Meetings of Homologation of Trophies, of agreement to the formulae C.I.C (International Advice of the Hunt).
During the celebration of the hunts of pieces Type B, the hunter, will have to follow the indications of the Day-care center and only it will be able to shoot to the copies that these indicate him. In the supposition of which a piece is indicated him and the hunter does not want to shoot on her the second opportunity will be given him, if it is possible, and in case it does not want to shoot on this piece, the Guard either, will suspend the hunt giving her finished.
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