Batida de Jabalí (PRECIO CERRADO). Cód: JB-18

Headquarters:Vañes. Duration of hunting: 1 day. Wolf possibility.
The winner will be responsible for the organization of the hunt, except the location of posts to be held by the nursery.
The maximum number of hunters per hunt (excluding beaters and / or kennels) is 25 and the minimum of 20, leaving the hunt definitively suspended if at the time of start that this number is not reached.
Should give several stains, abate 4 issues boar or more in the first, will not be given a second stain.
From 15:00 h will not be allowed to start new spot, spot change, place positions or release the leash dogs.
Beaters and kennels attend such as the clay may not carry any firearm. Only the use of dogs trace is authorized, in a maximum number of copies adding 24 adults and puppies, to be managed leashed to desencame or finding fresh tracks.
It is included in the starting price of the basic package of services to the hunter.
The additional fee is included, according to the ORDER FYM / 436/2014 of 19 May, which the orderly hunting use and exercise of hunting in the Regional Hunting Reserves of Castile and Leon is regulated.
During the development of the hunt you can also shoot the wolf (whenever skillful time thereof), prior approval of the Technical Department under the regional planning in the case of the wolf, with quota of 1 copy per whipped.
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