Female Iberian Ibex. Code: 210


Quarter: Southern shed. CLOSED PRICE
Permit duration: 1 day.
Hunting date: to be determined by the hunter himself, with the following limitations:
- You cannot hunt on weekends or on regional and / or national holidays.
- There can be no more than 4 permits per day and shed. The first 4 applications received will have preferences

CLOSED PRICE: entry fees and additional for obtaining hunting permits regulating the MAM / 998/2006 Order of June 9 and amended by Order MAM / 904/2007 of May 24 are included in the starting price.

The basic package of services to the hunter is included in the starting price.

Season 2013
Hunting date: 
Friday, 10 January, 2014
Type of hunting: 
Huntable species: 
Initial prize: 
Time left: 

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Closed auction