Female Iberian Ibex. Cod: 7864

Quarter: Tejedo. Duration of the permit: 1 day. Possibility of Wolf
Within this quota, females may be slaughtered, which the caretakers consider appropriate to extract, according to one of the following criteria:
• Whose horns have a perimeter of less than 11 cm, provided that the age exceeds 4 years.
• Age greater than 20 years, except as of October 1st.
• That they have been born after June 10 (This date is indicative and may be changed by the Technical Department, depending on how the birth of the year comes).
• Females with some symptoms of illness or very old.
The complementary fee is not included and will be settled at the time of hunting, depending on the score of the piece collected according to ORDEN FYM / 436/2014, of May 19, which regulates the orderly hunting And the exercise of hunting in the Regional Hunting Reserves of Castile and Leon.
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